A Comprehensive Guide to WhatsApp Marketing: Tips, Tricks and Strategies

With billions of users worldwide, WhatsApp has evolved from just a quick messaging app into a powerful marketing platform. Whether you're looking to engage with customers directly, share promotions, or offer real-time support, WhatsApp marketing offers a unique way to reach your audience with personal, meaningful messages.

In this article, we’ll explore what is WhatsApp marketing, what makes WhatsApp marketing so effective and how you can leverage it to grow your business. 

From proven strategies to practical examples, we'll cover everything you need to start making the most of WhatsApp as a key part of your marketing toolkit.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

What is WhatsApp Marketing?

In simple terms, WhatsApp Marketing is the practice of using WhatsApp to promote your products, services, or brand directly to your audience. Unlike traditional marketing channels, WhatsApp allows businesses to connect with customers in a more personal and immediate way, fostering stronger relationships through direct communication.

Whether it's sending promotional messages, offering customer support, or sharing updates, WhatsApp Marketing enables businesses to engage with their audience where they are most active. 

How To Do WhatsApp Marketing?

Getting started with WhatsApp Marketing is simple, but doing it effectively requires a strategic approach.

Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide to Kickstart with WhatsApp Marketing:

Set Up a WhatsApp Business Account

First thing first!

Set up a WhatsApp Business account!

This version of WhatsApp is tailored for businesses, offering features like a business profile, broadcast messages, chat labels, product catalogue store, and basic automation like greetings and away messages.

For more robust features like smart chatbots, unlimited bulk broadcast with analytics, team inbox, advanced automation, and third-party integration, leverage WhatsApp API platforms like DoubleTick.

With DoubleTick you can drive your WhatsApp marketing at scale at a cost less than traditional marketing.

Stay tuned as we explore the strategies to drive your WhatsApp marketing with DoubleTick.

Build a Quality Contact List

Collect phone numbers with explicit consent from your customers.

Quality is more important than quantity!

Focus on contacts who are genuinely interested in your products or services and segment them as per their buying journey, interest, purchase history or past interactions so that you can send them personalised and relevant messages.

Create Personalized and Engaging Content

Your messages should be tailored, concise, visually appealing, and valuable to your audience. Use images, videos, and voice notes to make your content more engaging.

Leverage Broadcast Lists and Groups

Use the WhatsApp broadcast feature to send messages to multiple contacts at once without them knowing it's a broadcast message. For more interactive campaigns, use WhatsApp Business API platforms like DoubleTick.

It allows customers to engage more closely with your brand while providing real-time analytics to track campaign performance and retarget your audience effectively.

Leverage WhatsApp Status

Share updates, offers, and behind-the-scenes content through WhatsApp Status. This feature allows you to stay top-of-mind with your contacts without being intrusive.

Automate Where Possible

With DoubleTick implement automation for routine tasks like birthday or anniversary wishes, sending order updates, follow-ups, reminders, or routine customer queries. This ensures that your customers receive timely communication without manual effort.

Analyze and Optimize

Regularly review the performance of your WhatsApp campaigns. Monitor metrics like open rates, response rates, and conversions to understand what’s working and where improvements can be made.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage WhatsApp as a powerful marketing tool and get started with your WhatsApp marketing journey right away! 

How to get WhatsApp Business API

Best Strategies for WhatsApp Marketing

Ready to kickstart your WhatsApp Marketing journey? Here are 15 proven WhatsApp marketing strategies to help you get started:  

Create Your eCommerce Store on WhatsApp with In-app Catalogs

Businesses can create in-app catalogues to showcase their products, making it easy for customers to browse and purchase items directly on WhatsApp. 

For example, a local artisan could use a catalogue to display their handmade jewellery, driving sales through the platform and receiving payment via WhatsApp Pay.

Broadcast Promotional Messages on WhatsApp

Businesses can use broadcast lists to send promotional messages and run sales campaigns, and product launches to a large group of contacts at once.

For instance, a yoga studio could send a broadcast message announcing a special event or workshop, reaching all their contacts simultaneously.

Drive More Business  with Click-to-WhatsApp Ads

By running ads that direct users to WhatsApp, businesses can increase engagement and conversions.

For instance, a clothing brand could create a Facebook ad with a click-to-WhatsApp button, allowing users to contact the business directly on WhatsApp for more information or to make a purchase.

WhatsApp Carousel Messages is a powerful latest template from Meta that lets you send up to 10 cards in one message. Carousels drive twice as many clicks as standard broadcasts, making them perfect for showcasing new products, exclusive discounts, or abandoned cart reminders. With their scrollable format and customizable call-to-action buttons, carousels make shopping and exploring your offers more interactive and engaging. It's a great strategy to double your conversions with WhatsApp broadcasts.

Set Up and Leverage WhatsApp Flows

Imagine guiding your customers through an entire journey without them ever leaving WhatsApp. That’s what WhatsApp Flows is all about. It keeps the experience smooth and easy by handling everything right within the app—whether it’s making a purchase, booking an appointment, or anything else your business offers. 

No need to redirect to other websites or apps; everything happens seamlessly in one place, enhancing the customer experience and keeping things simple.

Implement WhatsApp Chatbot

A WhatsApp chatbot isn’t just for customer support—it’s a powerful tool for marketing too! Imagine running your campaigns and keeping the conversation going, all through a chatbot that echoes your brand’s personality. By integrating it with your customer data platform, you can gather valuable insights and first-party data to better target and engage with your customers down the line. It’s like having an agent available 24/7, always ready to connect with your audience.

Automate Notifications and Reminders

Keep your communication smooth and effortless by automating notifications and reminders on WhatsApp. Whether it's sending out appointment reminders for a dental check-up or nudging customers about an upcoming payment, automation ensures that your messages reach them on time. This not only reduces no-shows and cancellations but also keeps your business running efficiently without constant manual intervention.

Generate Quality Leads with Opt-In Strategies

Want to build a strong list of engaged customers? 

Start with opt-in strategies on WhatsApp

Offer something your audience can’t resist—like a free trial or exclusive demo—in exchange for their contact information. Once they’ve opted in, you can keep them updated with relevant messages that they’re actually interested in, turning casual interest into solid leads.

Increase Conversions with Retargeting Campaigns

Ever had customers leave items in their carts without checking out? 

With WhatsApp retargeting campaigns, you can give them that extra push to complete their purchase. 

Imagine sending a quick message with a special discount code right to their WhatsApp—suddenly, that forgotten cart turns into a sale. It’s all about reconnecting with those who’ve shown interest and guiding them back to the checkout page with a tempting offer.

Boost Revenue with Automated Upselling and Cross-Selling

Imagine effortlessly increasing your sales by suggesting just the right products to your customers at the right moment. With smart WhatsApp chatbots, you can automate upselling and cross-selling on WhatsApp seamlessly. 

For example, after a salon appointment, an automated message might recommend a special hair treatment or product that complements the service your customer just received. It’s like having a personalized sales assistant who’s always ready to enhance your customer’s experience—and your bottom line.

Create Urgency with Limited Time Offer Messages

Creating a sense of urgency is a powerful way to boost conversions, and WhatsApp's Limited Time Offer templates make it easy. These templates let you display expiration dates and countdowns, ensuring that customers know the clock is ticking.

Whether it’s a flash sale or a special discount, the clear time limit encourages quick action. When the timer runs out, so does the offer—making it clear that this deal won’t last forever. This strategy helps you grab attention and drive fast, decisive purchases.

Personalize Your Approach with Tailored Messages

When you connect with customers on a personal level, the impact is huge. Imagine getting a workout plan that’s crafted just for you, complete with motivational messages that hit home. That’s the power of personalized WhatsApp marketing.

By tailoring your messages to each customer’s unique needs and goals, you create a deeper connection that drives engagement and boosts conversion rates. It’s not just about selling; it’s about showing your customers that you really get them.

Drive Website Traffic to WhatsApp with a Simple Button

Imagine turning your website visitors into customers with just one click. By adding a WhatsApp chat button to your website, you can do just that! 

When someone clicks the button, they’re instantly redirected to chat with you on WhatsApp, where you can answer their questions and guide them toward making a purchase. It’s a quick way to engage users directly and boost your conversion rates by bringing the conversation to a platform they already trust.

Incorporate WhatsApp into Your Omni-Channel Strategy

Make WhatsApp an integral part of your marketing mix! 

Promote your WhatsApp channel across all your platforms—whether it's through an announcement email, social media shout-outs, or a WhatsApp button on your website. 

For instance, a digital marketing agency might include a click-to-WhatsApp button in their email newsletter, inviting readers to chat for more insights and updates. You can also create and share WhatsApp links everywhere to encourage engagement.

By integrating WhatsApp with your other marketing efforts, like social media and email, you can provide a seamless experience for your audience. 

Imagine a fashion brand using WhatsApp to offer personalized styling advice while also sharing exclusive content and promotions—keeping customers connected and engaged across multiple channels.

Leverage WhatsApp for Effective Referral Programs

Imagine turning your satisfied customers into your biggest promoters. With WhatsApp, you can do just that by setting up referral programs that are easy to share and even easier to track. Encourage your customers to pass along special discounts or referral codes to their friends and family directly through WhatsApp. 

For example, a music or dance class owner could offer extra sessions or rewards to users who bring in new sign-ups via WhatsApp. It’s a win-win: your customers get perks, and you gain new leads effortlessly.

Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp marketing isn’t just about sending messages; it’s about building customer relationships by creating meaningful connections that drive growth and engagement. 

Here’s how leveraging WhatsApp for your marketing strategy can transform your business:

Boost Sales

Imagine being able to showcase your products directly to your customers with personalized messages. 

Well, WhatsApp does just that!

WhatsApp allows you to send targeted promotions with interactive messages, offer quick customer support by automating routine customer queries, qualify and nurture leads, and leverage smart chatbots to share all kinds of updates right into your customers' hands. 

This direct approach can significantly boost sales, making it easier to reach a wider audience and turn casual interest into conversions.

Build Customer Relationship

WhatsApp offers a personal touch in an increasingly digital world. By maintaining direct, real-time communication, you can nurture stronger relationships with your customers. 

Whether it’s regular updates or personalized follow-ups, your customers will feel valued and connected to your brand, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement.

Establish Trust and Authenticity

Being available on WhatsApp shows your customers that you’re accessible and ready to help. This transparency builds trust and credibility, essential elements for any brand looking to establish a strong market presence. 

Quick, reliable responses reinforce your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Quick, efficient customer service is a game-changer!

WhatsApp lets you handle inquiries, process orders, and provide support without the delays often associated with other communication channels. 

This instant gratification not only meets customer expectations but often exceeds them, leading to higher satisfaction rates.

Value for Money and Effort

Traditional advertising methods can be costly and time-consuming. 

With messaging costs cheaper than SMS and Email, WhatsApp marketing allows you to reach your audience with precision, cutting down on both costs and effort. 

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, the ability to send targeted messages at a fraction of the cost is a major advantage.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns

One of the standout features of WhatsApp marketing is the ability to segment your audience. You can create specific contact lists based on customer behaviour, preferences, buying journeys, or past interactions, allowing you to send tailored messages that are more likely to resonate and convert. 

This level of segmentation ensures that your marketing efforts are always hitting the right audience with the right message, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Increase Brand Visibility

Using WhatsApp as a marketing channel naturally increases your brand’s visibility. 

By staying active and engaging on the platform, you keep your brand in front of customers, making it easier to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

Also, the addition of the Green tick badge on your profile further enhances your brand credibility as your customers would recognise you right from your first message. 

Data-Driven Decision Making

WhatsApp marketing provides valuable insights into customer behaviour and campaign performance. By analysing this data, you can make informed decisions, tweak your strategies, and optimise your marketing efforts to meet your business goals better.

Real-Time Customer Interaction

The immediacy of WhatsApp enables real-time interactions, which is crucial for customer support and satisfaction. Whether it’s answering a query about a product or providing live updates, this instant communication enhances the overall customer experience and keeps your brand responsive and engaged.

How to get WhatsApp Business API

Up next let’s explore the difference between WhatsApp marketing and traditional marketing.

Difference Between WhatsApp Marketing and Traditional Marketing

When it comes to marketing, the game has changed!

Traditional methods like SMS, Emails, TV ads, radio spots, and print campaigns have been around for ages, but they often lack the personal touch that today’s customers crave.

Customers today need a fresh approach that offers direct, real-time communication—and that’s exactly what WhatsApp marketing brings to the table.

So Let’s dive into how WhatsApp marketing stands apart from traditional methods.

Personalized Conversations vs. One-Size-Fits-All 

Traditional marketing is like shouting through a megaphone—you send out a single message to everyone and hope it sticks. But with WhatsApp marketing, it’s more like having a one-on-one conversation. 

You can send personalized messages directly to your customers, making them feel seen and valued, which is a far cry from the generic ads they’re used to.

Instant Engagement vs. Waiting Game 

With traditional marketing, there’s often a waiting game involved. You put out an ad and hope your audience responds—eventually. But with WhatsApp, the interaction is instant. 

Whether it’s answering a quick question or sharing a promo code, you’re engaging with your customers in real time, which keeps the momentum going.

Affordable Outreach vs. Big Budgets 

Let’s face it—traditional marketing can be expensive! 

From ad placements to production costs, reaching a large audience usually requires a hefty budget. 

WhatsApp marketing, on the other hand, is much more budget-friendly. You can reach your target audience without breaking the bank, making it a smart choice for businesses of all sizes.

Two-Way Communication vs. One-Way Messaging

Traditional marketing is typically a one-way street—you send out your message, and that’s it. But with WhatsApp, it’s a two-way conversation. Customers can reply, ask questions, and give feedback instantly. This back-and-forth helps you better understand your audience and build stronger relationships.

Data-Driven Decisions vs. Guesswork 

When you rely on traditional marketing, you’re often left guessing about what’s working and what’s not. Sure, you might know how many people saw your ad, but do you know how they felt about it? With WhatsApp marketing, you get real-time insights into customer behaviour. You can see who’s engaging with your messages and tweak your strategy on the fly.

Explore the Difference Between WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business, and WhatsApp API

How To Get Started with WhatsApp Marketing via DoubleTick

It only takes 5 minutes to get started with WhatsApp Marketing via DoubleTick. If your Meta Business Manager is verified, you can get started with DoubleTick within 5 minutes.

However, if you need help with Meta Business Manager verification then the process would take around 3 days to a week depending on how ready you are with your documents as well as the response time from Meta. 

You will receive a confirmation email once the account is set up.

Here are the steps to get started with DoubleTick’s WhatsApp Business API:

  1. Get a new phone number that doesn’t have an existing WhatsApp account.
  2. Sign up for a DoubleTick plan that suits your needs.
  3. Complete Facebook Business verification.

Once these steps are completed, you’re all set to start leveraging WhatsApp marketing with DoubleTick.

Requisites to Apply for DoubleTick WhatsApp Business API

You need:

  • A Facebook Business Manager account
  • A verified business
  • A WhatsApp business account
  • A fresh phone number
  • A Line of Credit for your WhatsApp business account
  • A command line tool such as Terminal or an app like Postman that can perform URL requests (Not needed if applied via DoubleTick)

We'd also need at least two documents from the below list to verify the business:

  • Business bank statement
  • Business License
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Goods and services tax registration certificate (GST)
  • Permanent account number card (PAN)
  • Shop establishment certificate
  • Udyog Aadhar (UID) / MSME Certificate
  • Utility bill

We can't onboard you if the above documents are not available.


  • You'll have to get a new phone number for your WhatsApp Business API account as you can't use this further for your personal use.
  • You can also use your existing phone number for your WhatsApp Business API account but all your data will be erased and you'll not be able to use it for your personal use any further.
How to get WhatsApp Business API

Wrapping Up!

WhatsApp marketing offers a powerful way to engage directly with your customers, fostering stronger relationships and driving growth. With tools like DoubleTick, you can streamline your communication, automate key processes, and elevate your marketing strategy to new heights. 

Ready to transform your customer interactions? 

Start leveraging WhatsApp marketing today with DoubleTick!

How to Get Green Tick on WhatsApp: 6 Easy Steps Explained

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How can WhatsApp be used for marketing?

Answer: You can use WhatsApp it to send personalized messages, promote products, share updates, and engage with your customers in real time. It's also great for recovering abandoned cart drop-offs, automating customer support, sending reminders, running targeted campaigns, and much more.

Answer: Yes, WhatsApp marketing is legal as long as you follow the guidelines. You must obtain consent from your customers before messaging them, respect their privacy, and comply with WhatsApp's data protection laws.

Question: How do I get leads from WhatsApp marketing?

Answer: You can generate leads through WhatsApp by sharing your WhatsApp number or link across your marketing channels, running CTWA, shooting broadcast messages promoting your product or services, and placing your WhatsApp QR code on your storefront.

Question: How to do WhatsApp marketing for free online?

Answer: You can start WhatsApp marketing for free by using the WhatsApp Business App. It allows you to send broadcast messages to 256 contacts at once, create catalogues, set up quick replies, and manage basic customer interactions without any cost.

How to get WhatsApp Business API