10 Quick and Easy Ways to Get WhatsApp Opt-in from Users


In a world where customers are just a tap away from their favourite brands, the dynamics of customer engagement have radically evolved. Messaging apps, particularly WhatsApp, have surged in popularity as the go-to channel for businesses to connect with their customers. According to AdWeek, a staggering 68% of customers find messaging the most convenient way to reach out to a business. No wonder platforms like WhatsApp is becoming pivotal in shaping the modern customer journey.

But here's the catch: you can't just start sending messages to your customers on WhatsApp. That's where the all-important concept of "WhatsApp Opt-in" comes into play.

Meta, the tech giant behind WhatsApp, has laid down strict guidelines to ensure that businesses are engaging only with customers who *actually* want to receive updates. Why? Because it's not just about sending messages; it's about sending messages that people *want* to receive. This sets the stage for more meaningful, value-driven interactions between businesses and their customers.

So, whether you're a medium-sized business looking to integrate with solutions like WhatsApp Business API, or a large enterprise aiming to supercharge your customer engagement, the first essential step is getting those crucial opt-ins.

Confused? Intrigued? Either way, don't fret. By the end of this master guide, you'll know exactly how to not just understand but also master the art of securing WhatsApp opt-ins from your users. We'll dive deep into what an opt-in really is, why it's non-negotiable, and how to successfully secure them through a myriad of strategies, best practices, and real-world examples.

Ready? Let's unravel the mystery of WhatsApp Opt-ins.

What is WhatsApp Opt-in?

In the evolving landscape of business communication, one term has become non-negotiable: "WhatsApp Opt-in." But what does it mean, and why is it crucial for businesses using the WhatsApp Business API? Simply put, WhatsApp Opt-in is the permission or consent you obtain from your customers to send them messages on WhatsApp. This consent is not just a handshake; it's a crucial part of ethical and effective customer engagement.

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The Basics

Opt-in is the magic word that opens the gateway for you to send various types of messages, whether they are promotional updates, important notifications, or customer service interactions. Here's what you must include in the opt-in message:

Clear Statement of Intent: Make it evident that the user is agreeing to receive messages over WhatsApp.

Business Identification: Clearly state your business name, so there's no ambiguity about who the messages are coming from.

Your Responsibility

While the concept seems straightforward, it comes with responsibilities. Even if a customer contacts your support team directly through WhatsApp, which has been a viable way to collect opt-ins since a policy update in July 2020, storing these opt-ins and ensuring compliance with applicable laws is still squarely on your shoulders.

The Technicalities

The mechanics of opt-ins are slightly different depending on whether you're using the WhatsApp Business App or API. For Business App users, the rules are more lenient; you can message customers without needing opt-ins. However, for API users, the constraints are stricter. You have only a 24-hour window to respond to customer-initiated messages. To reach out to customers outside this window, you need explicit consent, or in WhatsApp parlance, an opt-in.

The Channels for Opt-In

Contrary to what you might be thinking, gathering opt-ins isn't as daunting as it sounds. There are multiple channels through which you can gather opt-ins, not just within WhatsApp but also via your website, during the signup process, and even through social media campaigns.

The Message Templates

It's also important to note that almost all businesses on WhatsApp API rely on message templates for non-real-time communication. These message templates make it easy to send uniform messages to customers but require opt-ins for their usage.

Why It's Easier Than You Think

While gathering opt-ins may initially seem like a cumbersome process, with the right strategies in place, you can easily build a robust list of users eager to hear from your business. So, take a deep breath. As we move through this guide, you'll discover that obtaining those golden opt-ins is not only doable but also incredibly rewarding for your business.

Ready to master the art of WhatsApp opt-ins? Let's delve into why they are a crucial cog in your business machine.

Why WhatsApp Opt-in is Important?

If you're wondering why it's necessary to gather WhatsApp opt-ins, you're not alone. On the surface, it may seem like an added burden. However, securing your customer's consent to message them is more than a mere formality; it's a cornerstone of responsible, transparent, and effective communication.

Firstly, opt-ins are not just a nice-to-have; they are often legally mandated. In regions like Europe, compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is non-negotiable. Businesses must gather explicit consent from customers to send them messages, underlining the critical importance of opt-ins. And it's not just about following the law; it's about ethical practices. When you obtain consent, you demonstrate to your customers that you respect their privacy, thereby promoting trust and boosting your business's credibility.

Risk Mitigation

There's also the issue of what can go wrong when you don't obtain opt-ins. Unsolicited messages are a quick way to tarnish your brand image. Your customers could block your number, or even worse, report your account as spam. These actions have immediate consequences, like lowering your business quality rating on WhatsApp, which can lead to rate limitations or even account suspension.

Improved Customer Engagement and ROI

The implications go beyond legalities and potential risks. Opt-in recipients are not just random individuals; they are people who have chosen to engage with your brand. They are more likely to interact with your messages and, therefore, your business. This targeted approach can dramatically improve the Return on Investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns. In simpler terms, when you're talking to people who want to hear from you, your messages are more effective, and your marketing dollars go further.

Strengthening Customer Relationships

Furthermore, opt-ins can also serve as the foundation for a meaningful customer relationship. Users who have given you permission are effectively expressing interest in your products, services, or content. This means you are not just shouting into the void; you're engaging in a dialogue with someone who is genuinely interested. These individuals are not just customers; they're potential brand advocates.

The Road Ahead

As you'll see in the following sections, obtaining opt-ins is not as daunting as it may appear, especially when you employ best practices tailored to your audience's needs and expectations. Understanding the essential role that opt-ins play in your broader communication strategy is the first step toward leveraging them to your advantage.

In the upcoming sections, we'll delve into the various ways you can obtain these valuable opt-ins, so you're not just complying with laws and avoiding risks but also maximizing the effectiveness of every message you send.

What Are the Rules and Restrictions?

​Before diving into the myriad ways you can collect WhatsApp opt-ins from customers, it's crucial to understand the rules and restrictions that come with using the WhatsApp Business API. Failing to adhere to these guidelines not only jeopardizes your relationship with customers but can also lead to account limitations or suspensions. Here's a rundown of the key rules you need to follow:

Active Opt-In Requirement

The opt-in for the WhatsApp Business solution must be active. This means that the consent should be explicitly triggered by a user action. Whether it's entering their phone number or checking a checkbox, the user needs to take a definitive step to show they're willing to receive communications from you.

User Control Over Phone Number

WhatsApp places a high priority on user control, particularly concerning personal data like phone numbers. Users must have the capability to control what phone number is associated with the opt-in. This could be through entering the number themselves or having an option to edit it.

Clear Opt-In Messaging

The language used in the opt-in process must be clear and straightforward. It should unequivocally indicate the type of information the user will receive through WhatsApp messages. This could range from shipping notifications to new product updates. The format typically looks something like this: "Receive [type-of-information], via WhatsApp, on [your number]."

Approved Message Templates

Any communication initiated with a user must utilize approved message templates, which are designed to maintain a certain level of quality and relevance in the communications. This applies especially to messages sent outside the 24-hour window following a user's last message.

24-Hour Messaging Window

After a user opts-in and initiates a chat by sending you a message, you are allowed to continue the conversation for up to 24 hours without any additional charges. Outside this window, any further communications must be initiated using one of the approved message templates.

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Direct Escalation Paths

If you're employing automated responses within the 24-hour window, it's obligatory to include a direct escalation path to a human agent. This ensures that customers aren't trapped in a never-ending loop of automated messages and can seek personalized assistance when needed.

By keeping these rules in mind, you ensure that your business remains in compliance with WhatsApp's guidelines, thereby securing your ability to utilize this potent platform for customer engagement. So, now that you're well-versed in the rules and restrictions, let's explore the various strategies to gain customer opt-ins effectively.

10 Easy Ways to Collect WhatsApp Opt-ins from Customers

1. Ask Customers to Opt-In When They Contact You

Capitalize on existing conversations with customers by directly asking them to opt-in for WhatsApp notifications. It can be as simple as asking for their consent to continue the discussion or send updates via WhatsApp, thereby making the process seamless and non-intrusive.

2. Leverage Your Website

  • Homepage Pop-ups

Promote your WhatsApp channel through pop-ups on your homepage. It's an easy way for both new and returning customers to switch to a faster support channel.

  • Landing Pages

Create a dedicated landing page to offer more details about your WhatsApp services. Users can opt-in by providing their numbers and clicking on a CTA, which redirects them to a thank-you page.

  • Contact Us Section

Incorporate a WhatsApp opt-in option in your "Contact Us" section. This not only eases customer support but also eliminates extra steps in the sales funnel.

3. Utilize Third-Party Channels

  • SMS

Use SMS marketing to notify customers of your new WhatsApp channel. Attach a link for easy one-step opt-in.

  • Email

Send a comprehensive pitch through emails, detailing the advantages of WhatsApp as a customer communication channel.

  • Social Media

Pin your WhatsApp availability at the top of your social media feeds and run campaigns that drive users directly to your WhatsApp.

4. Integrate into Existing Process Flows

Whether it's during an online booking, purchase, or service registration, offering an in-the-flow WhatsApp opt-in can significantly boost your opt-in rates.

5. Update Your Customer Contact Preferences

Many businesses offer customers a "preferred mode" of communication. Simply add WhatsApp to that list to increase the chances of opt-in.

6. Collect Opt-ins During Events

If you’re hosting webinars, workshops, or any event, it's a perfect setting to collect WhatsApp opt-ins from an engaged audience. You can ask participants to scan a QR code or fill in a simple form to sign up.

7. Offline Marketing Campaigns

Whether it's billboards, print advertisements, or flyers, integrate a QR code that people can scan to opt-in for your WhatsApp services.

8. In-Store WhatsApp Opt-ins

Utilize point-of-sale interactions to inform customers about your WhatsApp channel. They can opt-in using in-store touchscreens or other interactive devices.

9. Leverage Delivery and Logistics

For businesses involved in deliveries, logistics, or food services, including a WhatsApp opt-in pitch in the package or on the receipt can be a compelling way to secure opt-ins.

10. Last but not least: Offer Opt-Out Options

Transparency builds trust. Always provide a simple way for customers to opt-out of WhatsApp notifications. It should be as straightforward as saying “Stop” or "Unsubscribe" in the chat.

Tips to Successfully Increase Your WhatsApp Opt-In Rate

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, capturing user attention is like hitting a moving target. Whether it's through your website, social media, or other platforms, the struggle for customer engagement is real. That's why getting your WhatsApp opt-in strategy right is crucial. Below are some meticulously curated tips to ensure you not only grab your audience's attention but also keep them engaged, ultimately leading to a 7x increase in your WhatsApp opt-ins.

1. Be Crisp, Clear, and Convincing in Your Communication

First impressions last. So when you're asking users to opt-in for your WhatsApp updates, make it count. Clearly articulate the benefits they'll get—a sneak peek into your latest products, exclusive offers, or even personalized shopping tips. Make them understand the 'why' behind the opt-in, using language that is straightforward and relatable.

2. Avoid the Spamming Trap

Let's be honest, nobody likes spam, especially not on a platform as intimate as WhatsApp. It's essential to strike a balance between staying in touch and becoming an annoyance. Adopt a strategy to broadcast messages only when absolutely necessary.

3. Ads That Lead to WhatsApp: Your Secret Weapon

Utilizing social media to drive opt-ins can be highly effective. Run targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram that funnel users directly to your WhatsApp Business API account. These 'Click-to-WhatsApp' ads serve as the bridge between social scrolling and actionable user engagement.

4. Simplify the Opt-In Model

The more hoops customers have to jump through, the less likely they are to complete the process. Therefore, integrate your WhatsApp opt-in seamlessly into your existing processes. Whether it's during the checkout flow or within your app's settings, make it as simple as possible.

5. Opt-Out is Not a Bad Word

Remember, not everyone will want to be in touch. And that's okay. It's crucial to respect their decision and provide an easily accessible opt-out option in each message. This isn't just good etiquette—it's also a legal necessity in many jurisdictions.

Bonus Tips:

  • Leverage the influence of social media to increase opt-in rates. Since your customers are already scrolling through their feeds, why not catch their attention there? Ads that link directly to WhatsApp can significantly boost your opt-in numbers.
  • Each message you send should include clear instructions for opting out. Not only is this a good business practice, but it also builds trust, as users know they can leave whenever they want.

By employing these strategies, you'll not only see an uptick in your WhatsApp opt-in rate but also ensure a more engaged and satisfied customer base. The key lies in blending these tactics in a way that complements your overall communication and marketing strategy.

Optimizing User Journey for Opt-Ins

Navigating the maze of customer engagement can be tricky, but when it comes to increasing WhatsApp opt-ins, the devil is in the details. The user journey can significantly influence opt-in rates, making it vital to get the timing, placements, and incentives just right. Here's a deep dive into these critical elements.

Timing: The Clock is Ticking

It's not just about what you say, but also when you say it. Imagine pitching a 'Join our WhatsApp list for exclusive deals' immediately after someone has made a purchase. They're already feeling good about buying, making them more likely to agree to further engagement. Conversely, bombarding users with opt-in requests as soon as they land on your homepage might overwhelm them.

  • Best Practice: Look for 'Happy Moments' within the user journey. It could be after making a purchase, completing a level in your app, or even reading a blog post that solved a problem for them. Leverage these moments for your opt-in messages.

Placements: Location, Location, Location

The real estate on your website or app is valuable, so be strategic about where you place your opt-in offers.

  • Website: Consider implementing a subtle yet noticeable pop-up on your homepage or a dedicated opt-in tab in the menu.
  • App: If you have a mobile app, leverage the user's journey within the app to introduce opt-in options. This could be at the end of the checkout process or even within the 'Profile' or 'Settings' sections.
  • In-Store: For brick-and-mortar locations, consider QR codes at the checkout counter or printed on receipts to facilitate quick and easy opt-ins.
  • Best Practice: Test different placements to see what garners the best results. The aim is to integrate the opt-in options seamlessly without obstructing the user journey.

Incentives: The Cherry on Top

Human psychology is funny; we're more likely to do something if there's something in it for us. Therefore, incentives can play a huge role in boosting opt-ins.

  • Exclusive Offers: Give your customers a reason they can't resist—like an immediate 10% discount on signing up.
  • Early Access: Make them feel like part of an exclusive club with early access to new products or sales.
  • Freebies: Everyone loves free stuff. Offer a free eBook, sample, or even shipping for new opt-ins.
  • Best Practice: Make sure to advertise these incentives clearly in your opt-in messages to entice users to click 'Yes.'

Bonus Tip: A/B Testing

Never underestimate the power of A/B testing. Try different timings, placements, and incentives to see what works best. Collect data and continually optimize based on what you learn.

By carefully strategizing these elements, you can ensure that your opt-in process is not just an afterthought, but a core part of your customer engagement plan. When done right, the user journey for opt-ins can be an experience that benefits both the customer and your business, leading to long-term engagement and brand loyalty.

Benefits of WhatsApp Opt-In for Businesses

In an era where capturing user attention is like hitting a moving target, effective communication channels are gold. WhatsApp, with its extensive reach and high engagement rates, serves as one of those invaluable conduits between businesses and consumers. However, the utility of this platform significantly multiplies when businesses deploy the power of opt-in features. Let's explore why opting-in on WhatsApp isn't just a compliance necessity but a strategic business lever.

Targeted Audience: Quality Over Quantity

One of the most compelling advantages of WhatsApp opt-ins is that you’re talking to an audience who wants to hear from you. These are not just random names on a list; these are individuals who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

  • Best Practice: Segment your opt-in list based on demographics or buying behavior to send even more targeted messages. The result? Better leads and more conversions.

Higher Engagement: The Snowball Effect

A user who opts-in is statistically more likely to engage with your messages. It starts with a single interaction and can snowball into regular engagement, boosting brand awareness and conversions.

  • Best Practice: Keep the engagement alive through periodic updates, valuable information, and interactive campaigns. The key is to maintain a balance; you don’t want to overwhelm them with messages.

Personalization: One Size Doesn't Fit All

In the vast sea of generic marketing, personalized messages stand out like a lighthouse. With WhatsApp opt-ins, you can tailor your communication based on the user’s specific interests, enhancing the customer experience significantly.

  • Best Practice: Use data analytics to gain insights into customer preferences and behavior, then tailor your messages accordingly.

Trust and Relationship Building: The Foundation

Opt-ins are a two-way street; you’re not just gaining the right to send messages, you’re also taking on the responsibility to respect the user’s inbox. This simple act builds trust, strengthens customer relationships, and encourages long-term loyalty.

  • Best Practice: Always offer an easy opt-out option in your messages and honor it immediately if used. Transparency fosters trust.

Compliance and Avoidance of Penalties: Playing it Safe

In an age where data protection laws like GDPR are in full swing, opt-in practices serve as a compliance safeguard. They not only protect you from legal repercussions but also demonstrate your business's integrity.

  • Best Practice: Clearly outline your privacy policies and how the customer’s data will be used when they opt-in.

Cost-Effectiveness: More Bang for Your Buck

Messaging on WhatsApp is usually free or comes at a nominal cost, making it highly cost-effective. Once you have a user's opt-in, you can communicate with them as needed without worrying about exorbitant per-message costs.

  • Best Practice: Keep track of ROI from your WhatsApp campaigns to optimize future budget allocations.

Real-Time Communication: Instant Gratification

WhatsApp enables real-time communication, allowing for immediate customer support and timely updates, which heightens customer satisfaction and fosters loyalty.

  • Best Practice: Use automated replies for frequently asked questions and have customer service reps available for more complex inquiries.

In essence, WhatsApp opt-ins offer a powerful blend of targeted, engaging, and cost-effective customer interaction. It’s not just a feature; it’s a strategic tool that, when used wisely, can bring manifold benefits to your business.

Best Practices to Follow

In the realm of digital customer engagement, WhatsApp opt-ins are your golden ticket to a more meaningful and personalized communication strategy. But like all golden tickets, they come with their own set of guidelines and rules. Here's a rundown of the best practices to ensure that you're not only attracting interested customers but also nurturing them ethically and effectively:

Make it Optional, Always

First and foremost, remember that opt-ins are not a mandatory condition for any purchase or interaction with your business. Customers must always have the freedom to opt-in or opt-out whenever they wish. The freedom to make this choice is fundamental to a respectful and transparent business-customer relationship.

Spell Out the Value Proposition

Before asking for an opt-in, articulate clearly why it's beneficial for the customer to receive messages from you on WhatsApp. Whether it's exclusive offers, instant support, or timely updates, make sure your customer knows what's in it for them.

Streamlined Opt-In and Opt-Out Flows

Keep your opt-in and opt-out processes intuitive and straightforward. Confusing or complicated instructions will only deter people from opting in or out, affecting your reputation and perhaps even leading to penalties.

Transparency is Key

When you ask for opt-ins, specify your business name to ensure customers know who they are opting to receive messages from. Transparency builds trust, an essential component of any business-customer relationship.

Message Types and Clarity

Clearly list out the different types of messages customers can expect to receive when they opt-in. This could range from order updates to newsletters or promotions. Moreover, give them the power to choose the kind of messages they'd like to receive. For example, if a customer only wants to receive order updates, then that's all they should get.

Quality Over Quantity

Monitor the quality ratings of your opt-in methods. If you notice a decline in your ratings, consider it a red flag that customers are not understanding what they're signing up for. Use this feedback to simplify language or adjust the design to make the opt-in request more clear.

No Spam Zone

Never view opt-ins as a license to spam. Overwhelming your customers with unnecessary messages is not only bad practice, but it can also lead to penalties or account suspension from WhatsApp.

By adhering to these best practices, you’re setting a standard of respect and customer-centricity, ensuring that your WhatsApp engagements are not just effective but also ethical.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in WhatsApp Opt-Ins

The journey to successful WhatsApp opt-ins is fraught with potential missteps. Knowing what not to do can be just as informative as knowing what to do. Here's a guide to the common mistakes businesses often make, along with the risks involved, so you can steer clear of these pitfalls.

Treating Opt-Ins as a One-Time Event

What Not to Do:

Many businesses think of opt-ins as a one-time action that doesn't require any follow-up.

The Risks Involved:

This approach could lead to disengaged customers who don't remember opting in and therefore are more likely to mark your messages as spam or block you.

Ignoring the Importance of Context

What Not to Do:

Sending opt-in requests without context or adequate information about what the customer is signing up for.

The Risks Involved:

Customers might opt-in without a full understanding of what they're agreeing to, resulting in dissatisfaction and higher opt-out rates later.

Hidden Opt-Out Options

What Not to Do:

Making it difficult for customers to find the opt-out option or not offering it at all.

The Risks Involved:

This could lead to poor customer experience and possible legal repercussions, particularly with GDPR and other privacy regulations.


What Not to Do:

Sending too many messages that border on spamming, even after someone has opted in.

The Risks Involved:

An annoyed customer is likely to opt-out and possibly even report your business, affecting your quality ratings and risking account suspension.

Inadequate Personalization

What Not to Do:

Sending generic, one-size-fits-all messages to your opted-in customers.

The Risks Involved:

Customers who perceive messages as irrelevant or impersonal are less likely to engage and more likely to opt-out.

Ignoring Feedback

What Not to Do:

Not paying attention to negative feedback or declining quality ratings.

The Risks Involved:

Ignoring signs of customer dissatisfaction may result in higher opt-out rates and can even harm your brand's reputation in the long run.

Mixing Message Types

What Not to Do:

Sending promotional messages to customers who have only opted-in for transactional updates.

The Risks Involved:

This disregards customer preferences and violates the principle of informed consent, potentially resulting in opt-outs and lower engagement rates.

By understanding these common mistakes and the risks they carry, you can build a WhatsApp opt-in strategy that respects your customers' boundaries, adheres to regulations, and is more likely to succeed in the long term.

Leveraging WhatsApp Opt-Ins for Achieving Business Goals

Harnessing the power of WhatsApp opt-ins can be a game-changer for businesses in various sectors. Properly utilized, it serves as a versatile tool that can support several key aspects of your business. Below, we break down how to utilize opt-ins to fuel your customer support, boost sales and marketing, and enhance customer retention.

Customer Support

Unlocking 24/7 Support:

The real-time nature of WhatsApp allows you to offer round-the-clock customer service. An opt-in message can include an introductory note that sets the expectation for the type of support customers can expect when they reach out to you on this platform.

Automating FAQs:

You can send automated messages that contain FAQs or common solutions to regular queries. This can be done immediately upon opt-in, preparing the customer for what kind of support they can expect and potentially solving issues before they even arise.

Customer Feedback:

Post-transaction or post-interaction surveys can be sent to opted-in customers, providing valuable insights into areas of improvement for your business.

Sales and Marketing

Targeted Campaigns:

The opt-in list is a goldmine for running targeted sales campaigns. The more you know about your opted-in customers, the more tailored and relevant your campaigns can be.

Special Offers and Promotions:

WhatsApp's high open-rate makes it a fantastic medium for limited-time offers and flash sales. Customers who have opted in are already interested in your business, making them more likely to engage with promotional messages.

Product Announcements:

New product launches or restocks can be announced to a pre-interested audience, making for more effective and efficient marketing.

Customer Retention

Personalized Recommendations:

Based on customer data and buying behavior, you can send personalized recommendations, thus increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Loyalty Programs:

Opted-in customers can be easily enrolled in loyalty programs, and you can keep them updated on their points and benefits through WhatsApp messages.

Customer Milestones:

Celebrate milestones such as anniversaries or a certain number of purchases with your opted-in customers. This not only fosters goodwill but also encourages brand loyalty.


A simple follow-up message after a purchase or interaction can go a long way in making the customer feel valued and appreciated, thereby increasing the chance of retention.

By integrating these strategies into your existing workflows, you can optimize the potential of your WhatsApp opt-ins to serve broader business goals, from enhancing customer experience to driving sales and fostering long-term relationships.

Getting started with the WhatsApp Business API

​After diving deep into the nitty-gritty of WhatsApp opt-ins, you're probably eager to take the next step in leveraging WhatsApp for business. And that's exactly where DoubleTick, our flagship product, comes into play. It's not just a tool; it's WhatsApp 3.0 designed to turbocharge your sales and marketing activities.

The Power of DoubleTick

You might wonder, "Why DoubleTick?" The answer is simple. DoubleTick is an all-in-one, mobile-first solution crafted to empower your team to achieve more in less time. Our platform combines the might of CRM and MarCom tools, bringing you features like:

  • Unlimited WhatsApp Broadcasts: Reach out to saved and unsaved contacts in bulk, without fear of getting blocked.
  • Dynamic Catalogue Sharing: Automate your marketing through scheduled broadcasts and real-time, detailed analytics reports.
  • AI-Powered Commerce BOT: From automated catalogue sharing to order booking, our advanced chatbot does it all.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Seamlessly integrate your favorite tools like Zapier, Google Sheets, WooCommerce, and Shopify with just a few clicks.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: We're always there for you, whether it's through call, WhatsApp, or email.

And the best part? We offer a FREE DEMO account so you can experience the magic of DoubleTick before you commit. Simply download the app from the Play Store and App Store and get started.

Read more about DoubleTick here - What is DoubleTick and How This Could Be Your Greatest WhatsApp Marketing and Sales Tool

How to Get Started with DoubleTick

You can acquire WhatsApp Business API in two ways: direct sign-up from Meta or through a solution provider like us.

Directly from Meta: 

While it’s possible to apply directly, this route can be labor-intensive and technically daunting, especially if you're a mid-scale company without a dedicated developer team.

Through DoubleTick

We make the process efficient and straightforward, getting you approved and set up within two to three days. Plus, we also help you get the official Green Tick badge on your WhatsApp Business API account, further establishing your business credibility.

Make the Smart Choice

So, why would you wander in the labyrinth of complicated setups when DoubleTick can roll out the red carpet for you? With our easy-to-use, intuitive interface and unparalleled feature set, the possibilities to scale your business are truly endless.

If you’ve been attentive to this guide, you now know the importance of opt-ins and user engagement. With DoubleTick, you can bring all that knowledge into effective action.

Eager to elevate your business to new heights? Your journey starts with DoubleTick. Download the app now and experience the transformative power of our WhatsApp Business API solution.

Looking to get WhatsApp Business API for FREE?
CLICK HERE to know how to get WhatsApp Business API for Free

The Future of Opt-ins in WhatsApp Business: Where Are We Headed?

As we look beyond the current landscape of WhatsApp Business, it's essential to consider what the future holds for opt-ins. Trends are evolving, and so are customer preferences. Understanding these shifts can give businesses like yours an edge, especially when you're empowered by advanced solutions like DoubleTick.

The ongoing digitization and increasing reliance on messaging platforms for business are setting new precedents. Businesses are likely to adopt more sophisticated methods for obtaining opt-ins, from interactive sign-up forms to AI-powered chatbots like the ones DoubleTick offers. Compliance norms are also expected to get tighter, necessitating the need for more transparent and ethical practices around user consent.

Evolving Customer Preferences

The modern consumer is well-informed and values their privacy. In the future, they will be more discerning about who they give access to, demanding greater value in exchange for their opt-in. This makes it crucial for businesses to be clear, honest, and offer genuine utility. DoubleTick's detailed analytics and customization options make it easier than ever to tailor your approach to match these evolving preferences.

DoubleTick is designed to evolve alongside these industry trends and customer preferences. With features like AI-powered chatbots for automated and intuitive opt-ins, to detailed analytics for gauging your campaigns, DoubleTick keeps you ahead of the curve. And let's not forget, it's not just about acquiring opt-ins but keeping them; something that DoubleTick’s plethora of features can help you excel at.


The future of opt-ins in WhatsApp Business is anything but static. As both technological landscapes and consumer habits change, the strategies around opt-ins will evolve. And that's why DoubleTick is the tool you want by your side. Its adaptability, rich features, and commitment to staying updated make it a wise choice for businesses that aim to be future-ready.

Are you prepared to navigate the future of opt-ins in WhatsApp Business? With DoubleTick, you'll be more than ready. Sign-up and embark on your future-ready journey today.

WhatsApp Opt-In Message Template Examples

Creating compelling opt-in messages is essential to secure user consent and grow your subscriber list effectively. Here are 10 opt-in message template examples that not only comply with regulations but are also crafted to enhance user engagement. When you're using DoubleTick's powerful WhatsApp Business API solutions, these templates can be easily customized and bulk-sent to both saved and unsaved contacts.

1. The Simple Introduction

Hi [Customer Name],

We would love to keep you updated on our latest promotions and products. Would you like to receive WhatsApp updates from [Your Business Name]?

- Yes

- No

2. The Value Proposition

Hello [Customer Name],

Get exclusive access to discounts, new arrivals, and more when you subscribe to our WhatsApp list. Would you like to join?

- Yes, sign me up!

- No, thanks.

3. The Feedback Invitation

Hi [Customer Name],

We noticed you recently made a purchase. Would you like to receive a one-time feedback request on WhatsApp?

- Sure

- No, thanks

4. The Event Reminder

Hello [Customer Name],

Would you like reminders for our upcoming webinar directly on your WhatsApp? Never miss out!

- Yes, remind me!

- No, I'm good.

5. The Support Query

Hi [Customer Name],

Do you wish to receive real-time support updates on your recent query through WhatsApp?

- Yes

- No

6. The New Product Teaser

Hello [Customer Name],

Be the first to know when our newest product launches! Want updates directly to your WhatsApp?

- Count me in!

- No, thanks.

7. The Subscription Confirmation

Hi [Customer Name],

You're now subscribed to [Newsletter/Service]. Would you like the option to receive updates on WhatsApp as well?

- Yes

- No

8. The Service Update

Hi [Customer Name],

We're rolling out new features! Want to stay in the loop via WhatsApp?

- Yes, keep me updated!

- No, thanks.

9. The Daily Tips Offer

Hello [Customer Name],

Would you like to receive daily tips and tricks related to [Industry/Topic] on WhatsApp?

- Sign me up!

- Not interested.

10. The Multiple Choices

Hi [Customer Name],

What type of updates would you like to receive on WhatsApp?

- Order Updates

- Promotions

- Events

With DoubleTick, you can automate these messages, track their effectiveness in real-time, and much more. If you haven't tried DoubleTick yet, here's your chance to experience its plethora of features. Download the app today and see the difference it can make in your opt-in strategy.

Download from the Play Store

Download from the App Store

Wrapping Up

​Ready to transform your opt-in rates and get results that truly matter? Don't waste another second. With DoubleTick's premium features and seamless integration, your business is just a click away from levelling up. Time to go from optional to essential. Onwards and upwards! 🚀

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: What is WhatsApp Opt-in?

Answer: WhatsApp Opt-in is a consent given by the customer to receive messages from your brand on WhatsApp.

Question: Is WhatsApp Opt-in necessary?

Answer: Yes, it is necessary for complying with GDPR and WhatsApp’s policy.

Question: What happens if you send messages without collecting opt-ins?

Answer: Your brand’s WhatsApp Business license can be revoked, and you risk being blocked from re-registering.

Question: Can I send messages to my customers without WhatsApp opt-in? Is there some workaround?

Answer: No, you cannot send a message to the customer unless they have opted-in. WhatsApp is GDPR compliant. And remember, DoubleTick is there to help you streamline this opt-in process effortlessly.

Question: What happens if I send messages without WhatsApp Business Opt-in?

Answer: WhatsApp Business reserves the right to revoke your brand’s license and registration. Also, your message will fail with a “User not opted in” response. It could be tricky to apply for re-registration later.

Question: How does WhatsApp check whether I have taken opt-in before sending notifications?

Answer: WhatsApp will routinely check a business’s opt-in flows and monitor quality signals in your account. This is to ensure you're following best practices.

Question: What if the customer messages my brand’s WhatsApp Number?

Answer: This initiates an “issue resolution” scenario. You have a 24-hour window to reply to the customer. DoubleTick’s advanced chatbot can also assist in providing quick responses.

Question: Is it considered WhatsApp opt-in if the customer messages my brand first?

Answer: No, this is not considered an opt-in. You can only send "issue-resolution" type notifications within a 24-hour window.

Question: What is the WhatsApp issue resolution type template?

Answer: It allows you to respond to questions, concerns, or feedback from customers about your business.

Question: Can I get WhatsApp opt-in from my customer on offline paper forms?

Answer: Yes, but you have to follow the same guidelines such as using a checkbox for WhatsApp opt-in.

Question: Can I do an IVR Blast or call my customer to get a WhatsApp opt-in?

Answer: Yes, recent updates have relaxed these guidelines and opt-in can be obtained through IVR. Perfect if you're using DoubleTick's versatile platform.

Question: If a user messages me on WhatsApp, can I ask them on WhatsApp if they are willing to receive notifications on WhatsApp?

Answer: Yes, under revised guidelines, you can ask for opt-in through WhatsApp.

Question: Should the brand maintain the database of WhatsApp opt-ins?

Answer: The brand must maintain its own database.

Question: What are the ways you can get user's consent for WhatsApp interaction?

Answer: SMS blast, email blast, missed call, IVR, physical forms, QR codes, POS system, web pages, form submissions, and pop-ups are some of the ways.

Question: If a customer lands on WhatsApp through Click to WhatsApp Ads on Facebook, is it considered Opt-in?

Answer: Yes, if they click on 'Send Message', it's considered as an opt-in.

Question: Can we create similar Ads on other platforms such as LinkedIn and Google Ads?

Answer: Yes, you can have Ads on these platforms asking for opt-in, which can then redirect customers to WhatsApp.