15 Crazy WhatsApp Marketing Hacks to Boost Your Sales by 7X

As technology evolves, so do the ways we communicate and connect with one another. As a business, staying on top of the latest marketing trends can mean the difference between success and obsoleteness. 

Embracing the Power of WhatsApp Marketing

Enter WhatsApp Marketing – a modern, powerful approach to reaching your target audience in a personalized and engaging manner. In this article, we will delve into the world of WhatsApp Marketing, explore its incredible potential, and share top strategies and best practices to help you boost your business by 7X and stay ahead of the curve.

Time to revolutionize your business with WhatsApp marketing strategies. Without further ado, let's get started!

Understanding WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp Marketing involves using the popular messaging app, WhatsApp, as a platform for promoting products, services, and engaging with customers. With over 2.4+ billion global users and unparalleled open and click-through rates, it is no wonder that businesses worldwide are capitalizing on this opportunity to reach their target audience effectively and affordably. It's time to learn why WhatsApp Marketing is essential and how you can take advantage of this powerful tool.

The Indispensable Role of WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp Marketing has emerged as a must-have strategy for businesses today, thanks to its incredible reach, engagement, and affordability. Here are some of the reasons why you cannot afford to miss out on WhatsApp Marketing in 2024:

  • Skyrocketing Engagement Rates: WhatsApp boasts a remarkable 98% message open rate, making it an ideal platform to engage with customers. For instance, Hellmann's, a mayonnaise brand, used WhatsApp to share personalized recipes with customers in Brazil, resulting in increased engagement and brand loyalty.
  • Unparalleled Conversion Potential: The high open rate and personalized nature of WhatsApp messages translate to a better chance of conversion. For example, a local gym could use WhatsApp to send personalized offers and discounts to potential members, resulting in a higher conversion rate compared to generic email campaigns.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing Solution: With no additional costs for sending messages, WhatsApp Marketing can be more affordable than traditional advertising channels. A small business can use WhatsApp to share promotions and updates without investing in expensive print or digital ads.
  • Increased Sales Opportunities: Businesses can leverage WhatsApp to notify customers about flash sales, discounts, or new products, driving sales directly through the platform. For example, a fashion boutique could send images of its new collection to potential buyers, along with a link to purchase items.
  • Enhanced Customer Retention: By using WhatsApp to provide personalized and efficient customer service, businesses can improve customer retention. For instance, a restaurant could use WhatsApp to handle reservations, answer questions about the menu, and resolve any issues, fostering a loyal customer base.
  • Personalized Communication: WhatsApp allows businesses to communicate with customers on an individual basis, creating a more personalized and meaningful connection. For example, a travel agency could send curated travel recommendations and itineraries to clients based on their preferences.
  • Streamlined Customer Support: Businesses can use WhatsApp to handle customer inquiries and complaints quickly and efficiently. For instance, a bank could offer support through WhatsApp to resolve account-related issues, saving customers time and frustration.
  • Rapid Market Feedback: WhatsApp enables businesses to gather customer feedback in real time, allowing for swift adjustments to marketing strategies or product offerings. For example, an online grocery store could ask customers for feedback on their shopping experience and use the responses to make improvements.
  • Heightened Brand Loyalty: By offering personalized experiences and excellent customer support through WhatsApp, businesses can foster brand loyalty. For instance, an online bookstore could use WhatsApp to send personalized reading recommendations, creating a memorable experience for customers.
  • Optimized Referral Programs: Businesses can run referral programs on WhatsApp by encouraging customers to share promotions or discount codes with their contacts. For example, a mobile app developer could offer rewards to users who refer new users through WhatsApp, driving organic growth.

Today when Email & SMS open rates are going downhill, WhatsApp is killing it with a 45-60% click-through rate and users engaging for an average of 38 minutes per day. That's why over 500 million businesses worldwide are using WhatsApp for marketing and customer support. If you're not on the WhatsApp marketing train in 2024, you're missing out on 25-30% of potential revenue for your business. Don't miss the boat!

The Perks of WhatsApp Marketing

By embracing WhatsApp Marketing, your business stands to gain numerous benefits. Some of these include:

  • Sales Growth and Expansion: By using WhatsApp to promote products and services, businesses can reach a wider audience and drive sales. For example, a home-based bakery could use WhatsApp to send images of their baked goods to potential customers, boosting sales.
  • Stronger Relationships and Connectivity: WhatsApp enables businesses to establish and maintain strong connections with their customers. For instance, a real estate agent could use WhatsApp to provide regular updates on property listings, fostering a long-lasting relationship with clients.
  • Establishing Trust and Authenticity: By being readily available on WhatsApp, businesses can build trust with customers. For example, a financial advisor could use WhatsApp to share valuable financial advice, demonstrating their expertise and establishing trust with potential clients.
  • Elevated Customer Satisfaction: Providing prompt and efficient customer service via WhatsApp can lead to higher customer satisfaction. For instance, an online retailer could use WhatsApp to handle returns and exchanges, offering a seamless and hassle-free experience for customers.
  • Cost and Effort Reduction: WhatsApp Marketing reduces the need for traditional advertising channels, lowering costs and effort for businesses. For example, a local event organizer could use WhatsApp to promote events by sending targeted messages to potential attendees, eliminating the need for expensive billboards or flyers.
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns: With WhatsApp, businesses can create segmented contact lists to send targeted marketing messages. For example, a skincare company could send tailored product recommendations to customers based on their skin type, resulting in more effective marketing campaigns.
  • Improved Customer Segmentation: WhatsApp allows businesses to categorize customers based on their preferences, needs, or past interactions, enabling more accurate targeting. For instance, a subscription box service could use customer data to send personalized promotions for relevant products.
  • Increased Brand Visibility: By using WhatsApp as a marketing channel, businesses can increase their brand's visibility and reach a wider audience. For example, a startup could use WhatsApp to share news and updates about their product, generating buzz and attracting new customers.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: WhatsApp Marketing can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing businesses to make informed decisions. For instance, an e-commerce store could analyze the success of different promotions sent via WhatsApp and adjust their strategy accordingly.
  • Real-Time Customer Interaction: WhatsApp enables businesses to interact with customers in real time, providing immediate support and engagement. For example, a hotel could use WhatsApp to answer questions about room availability, check-in times, and special requests, enhancing the customer experience.

In the above section, we've discussed what WhatsApp marketing is, why it's essential for businesses today and what are the key benefits of Marketing on WhatsApp. Let's now jump right into the top 15 WhatsApp marketing strategies to boost your sales by 7X!

15 Tested and Winning WhatsApp Marketing Strategies

Ready to kickstart your WhatsApp Marketing journey? Here are 15 proven strategies to help you get started:

  1. Create Your eCommerce Store on WhatsApp with In-app Catalogs: Businesses can create in-app catalogues to showcase their products, making it easy for customers to browse and purchase items directly on WhatsApp. For example, a local artisan could use a catalogue to display their handmade jewellery, driving sales through the platform.
  2. Maximize Reach with Broadcast Messages: Businesses can use broadcast lists to send promotional messages to a large group of contacts at once. For instance, a yoga studio could send a broadcast message announcing a special event or workshop, reaching all their contacts simultaneously.
  3. Personalize Your Approach with Tailored Messages: Sending personalized messages to customers can result in higher engagement and conversion rates. For example, a personal trainer could send customized workout plans and motivational messages to their clients based on their individual goals and progress.
  4. Automate Notifications and Reminders for Improved Efficiency: Businesses can use automation tools to send notifications and reminders to customers, streamlining the communication process. For example, a dental office could send appointment reminders via WhatsApp, reducing no-shows and cancellations.
  5. Drive Traffic with Click-to-WhatsApp Ads: By running ads that direct users to WhatsApp, businesses can increase engagement and conversions. For instance, a clothing brand could create a Facebook ad with a click-to-WhatsApp button, allowing users to contact the business directly for more information or to make a purchase.
  6. Increase Conversions with WhatsApp Retargeting Campaigns: Businesses can send targeted messages to customers who have previously interacted with their brand, increasing the likelihood of conversion. For example, an online store could send a WhatsApp message with a special discount code to customers who abandoned their shopping carts, enticing them to complete their purchases.
  7. Boost Revenue with Automated Upselling and Cross-Selling: Using automated messages, businesses can upsell or cross-sell products and services to customers on WhatsApp. For instance, a salon could send an automated message recommending additional treatments or products based on a customer's previous appointments.
  8. Generate Quality Leads through Opt-In Strategies: Businesses can use opt-in forms to collect customer information and gain consent to send WhatsApp messages. For example, a software company could offer a free trial or product demo in exchange for a customer's phone number and consent to receive WhatsApp updates.
  9. Enhance Engagement with Quick Replies and CTAs: By setting up quick replies and incorporating call-to-action (CTA) buttons in WhatsApp messages, businesses can streamline communication and drive desired outcomes. For example, a restaurant could use a CTA button to enable customers to quickly make reservations or place an order for takeout.
  10. Leverage WhatsApp for Effective Referral Programs: Businesses can encourage customers to share promotions, discounts, or referral codes with their contacts on WhatsApp, expanding their reach and generating new leads. For instance, a language learning app could offer rewards or premium features to users who refer new users via WhatsApp.
  11. Leverage WhatsApp's Status Feature: Utilize WhatsApp's status feature to share time-sensitive content, such as flash sales, limited-time offers, or event announcements. For example, a concert venue could use status updates to share last-minute ticket availability or event updates with its audience.
  12. Promote Your WhatsApp Channel on Other Platforms: Encourage your audience to connect with your business on WhatsApp by sending an announcement email and promoting your channel on social media, and your website. For example, a digital marketing agency could include a click-to-WhatsApp button in their email newsletter, directing readers to connect on the platform for additional insights and updates.
  13. Incorporate WhatsApp into Your Omni-Channel Strategy: Integrate WhatsApp into your overall marketing strategy, using the platform to complement your efforts on other channels. For example, a fashion brand could use WhatsApp to provide personalized styling advice and share exclusive content, while continuing to promote new collections and sales on social media.
  14. Collaborate with Influencers and Brand Ambassadors: Partner with influencers and brand ambassadors to amplify your WhatsApp Marketing efforts. For example, a cosmetics brand could collaborate with a beauty influencer to share exclusive makeup tutorials or product recommendations via WhatsApp.
  15. Offer Exclusive Content and Incentives: Provide unique content, offers, or discounts exclusively to your WhatsApp audience, incentivizing users to join and remain engaged with your channel. For example, a fitness studio could offer WhatsApp subscribers exclusive access to live workout sessions or promotional discounts on class packages.


Best Practices for Successful WhatsApp Marketing

To truly succeed with WhatsApp Marketing, it's crucial to follow these best practices:

  1. Equip Yourself with the Right Tools: Invest in WhatsApp Marketing tools, such as DoubleTick that empower you with advanced WhatsApp chatbot and automation solutions to streamline your marketing efforts and enhance efficiency. For example, a healthcare provider could use a chatbot to handle appointment scheduling and answer common questions.
  2. Engage Your Audience with Interactive Features: Use WhatsApp's interactive features, such as stories and interactive messages, to create engaging content that captures your audience's attention. For instance, a fitness brand could use stories to share workout tips or showcase new products.
  3. Keep Broadcast Lists Up to Date: Regularly update and segment your contact lists to ensure that you are sending targeted and relevant messages to your audience. For example, a travel agency could create separate lists for adventure seekers, luxury travellers, and family vacationers to send tailored promotions.
  4. Avoid Spamming and Respect User Privacy: Ensure that your WhatsApp messages are valuable, engaging, and respectful of users' privacy. Do not send unsolicited messages or bombard users with excessive promotions. For instance, a marketing agency could limit promotional messages to once a week, focusing on sharing valuable content and insights.
  5. Monitor and Analyze Campaign Performance: Track and analyze the performance of your WhatsApp Marketing campaigns to identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategy. For example, a skincare brand could analyze the success of different product promotions and adjust its messaging communication accordingly.
  6. Establish Clear Goals and KPIs: Set specific, measurable goals for your WhatsApp Marketing campaigns and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your progress. For example, a non-profit organization could set a goal to increase donations through WhatsApp by 20% and monitor the campaign's success using relevant KPIs.
  7. Train Your Team to Optimize WhatsApp Usage: Ensure that your team is well-trained in using WhatsApp and its various features for marketing purposes. For example, a retail store could provide training on using WhatsApp catalogues and quick replies to efficiently handle customer inquiries.
  8. Integrate WhatsApp with Your CRM System: Integrate your WhatsApp Marketing efforts with your customer relationship management (CRM) system to maintain organized customer data and streamline your marketing processes. For instance, an online tutoring platform could sync WhatsApp interactions with its CRM to track customer engagement and preferences.
  9. Create and Share Valuable Content: Focus on providing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to your WhatsApp contacts. For example, a financial planning firm could share helpful tips and insights on managing personal finances, creating value for their audience.
  10. Maintain Compliance with WhatsApp Business Policies: Ensure that your WhatsApp Marketing practices comply with WhatsApp Business policies and guidelines to avoid potential issues or restrictions. For example, an e-commerce business should review WhatsApp's commerce policy to ensure that they are not violating any rules with their marketing efforts.
  11. Test and Optimize Messaging: Continuously test different message formats, content, and timing to identify the most effective strategies for your target audience. For example, a software company could experiment with sending product updates via text, images, or videos to determine which format drives the most engagement.
  12. Encourage Two-Way Communication: Invite your audience to interact with your business through WhatsApp by asking for feedback, opinions, or suggestions. For example, a local coffee shop could ask customers to share their favourite coffee blends or new menu ideas, fostering a sense of community and involvement.
  13. Respond Promptly to Customer Inquiries: Ensure that your business is responsive and attentive to customer inquiries on WhatsApp, demonstrating your commitment to excellent customer service. For example, a car rental company could prioritize answering questions and addressing concerns via WhatsApp, enhancing the customer experience.
  14. Keep Your Messaging Consistent with Your Brand: Ensure that your WhatsApp messages align with your brand identity and messaging to maintain a cohesive brand experience. For example, a vegan food delivery service could focus on sharing plant-based recipes, health tips, and sustainability initiatives via WhatsApp.
  15. Stay Informed on WhatsApp Updates and Features: Keep up-to-date with the latest WhatsApp features and updates to ensure that your marketing efforts remain effective and compliant. For example, a marketing manager could subscribe to WhatsApp Business newsletters or follow relevant blogs to stay informed on platform developments and best practices.

By following these guidelines and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can harness the power of WhatsApp Marketing to drive engagement and boost sales by 7X. 

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Click Here to access the 50+ Best WhatsApp Promotional Message Templates That Work Like a Charm!

How to Get Started with WhatsApp Marketing?

Getting started with WhatsApp Marketing is quite easy. You can get started with WhatsApp Marketing for your business in two ways:

  1. WhatsApp Business App
  2. WhatsApp Business API

Let's discuss each option in more detail to help you determine the best choice for your business.

WhatsApp Business App

The WhatsApp Business App is a free-to-use application that allows you to take your business online and sell your products and services. It is best suited for individuals and small businesses with relatively lower message volumes.

With the WhatsApp Business App, you can:

  • Broadcast messages to 256 people
  • Set auto-reply for welcome or away messages
  • Use WhatsApp Business on 5 devices (1 mobile + 4 PCs)

Setting up your WhatsApp Business Account is easy; simply create a new WhatsApp Business Account or switch your regular WhatsApp account to a WhatsApp Business account. Then, add your product catalogues, images, auto-reply messages, and more.

However, there are a few limitations to the WhatsApp Business App:

  1. WhatsApp broadcast limit of 256 users
  2. No option to track analytics
  3. Can't track agent performance
  4. Can't integrate WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer support

To address these limitations, consider using the WhatsApp Business API for multiple users.

WhatsApp Marketing with WhatsApp Business API

The WhatsApp Business API is designed for startups and medium to large businesses with high volumes of incoming messages daily. It enables enterprise-level businesses to manage customer support, boost conversions, and facilitate business growth on WhatsApp.

Wanna know about WhatsApp Business API in detail? Here is your 2024 Ultimate Guide to WhatsApp Business API - Click Here to Read

Since WhatsApp does not provide a platform to use WhatsApp Business API, you can connect with a WhatsApp Marketing Platform like DoubleTick, which is built using the official WhatsApp Business API.

With DoubleTick’s WhatsApp Engagement Suite, you can:

  • Get WhatsApp Business API within 5 minutes
  • Send WhatsApp broadcasts to unlimited users in one go (opted-in users)
  • Get a detailed broadcast analytics report to track your WhatsApp marketing campaign metrics in real-time
  • WhatsApp Automation via AI-powered active chatbot that can answer customers’ queries, send automated anniversaries & birthday wishes, abandoned cart notifications, pending balance reminders, bills and all kinds of alerts to customers
  • Provide 24/7 customer support with an AI-powered WhatsApp Chatbot
  • Get a single WhatsApp number for your entire company with a cloud-based team inbox and role-based access
  • Share end-to-end automated catalogues with your customers and receive orders via AI-Powered Commerce BOT
  • Integrate software & CRMs like WooCommerce, Zapier, Google Sheets, Pabbly etc. 
Read more about DoubleTick here - What is DoubleTick and How This Could Be Your Greatest WhatsApp Marketing and Sales Tool 

How to Get Started with WhatsApp Marketing via DoubleTick?

The WhatsApp Marketing strategies outlined above can only be implemented with the WhatsApp Business API. As Facebook does not provide a platform to use WhatsApp Business API, you can take help from WhatsApp solution partners such as DoubleTick to get started. DoubleTick is a WhatsApp Marketing Platform based on Official WhatsApp Business APIsenabling you to skyrocket your sales by 7X. 

To sign-up for DoubleTick, kindly email us at grow@quicksell.co or Click Below to get a FREE DEMO to know about our product offering, features and pricing plans.

How to get DoubleTick WhatsApp Business API

Now transform WhatsApp into the ultimate sales engine to delight customers and drive revenue with DoubleTick!

Requisites to Apply for DoubleTick WhatsApp Business API

You need:

  • A Facebook Business Manager account
  • A verified business
  • A WhatsApp business account
  • A fresh phone number
  • A Line of Credit for your WhatsApp business account
  • A command line tool such as Terminal or an app like Postman that can perform URL requests (Not needed if applied via DoubleTick)

We'd also need at least two documents from the below list to verify the business:

  • Business bank statement
  • Business License
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Goods and services tax registration certificate (GST)
  • Permanent account number card (PAN)
  • Shop establishment certificate
  • Udyog Aadhar / MSME Certificate
  • Utility bill

We can't onboard you if the above documents are not available.


  • You'll have to get a new phone number for your WhatsApp Business API account as you can't use this further for your personal use.
  • You can also use your existing phone number for your WhatsApp Business API account but all your data will be erased and you'll not be able to use it for your personal use any further.

From the editor's desk: 
Revolutionizing Business Communication: Exploring Chatbots for WhatsApp (An Exclusive Guide)

Wrapping Up!

In today's fast-paced digital world, WhatsApp Marketing has emerged as an essential and highly effective channel for businesses to engage with customers and drive growth. By leveraging the advanced features of WhatsApp Business API through a robust WhatsApp Business API platform like DoubleTick, you can unlock the full potential of this messaging app to bolster your marketing strategies.

DoubleTick empowers you to streamline customer communication, automate essential processes, and provide exceptional customer support—all while staying connected with your audience. Don't miss out on the incredible opportunities that WhatsApp Marketing offers. Partner with DoubleTick today and experience a new era of customer engagement and business success!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is WhatsApp Marketing and how can it benefit my business?

Answer: WhatsApp Marketing is the process of promoting products and services, engaging with customers, and providing support through the popular messaging app, WhatsApp. It can benefit your business by boosting customer engagement, increasing conversions, providing cost-effective marketing solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction, and building trust and authenticity.

Question: How do I choose between WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business API for my marketing needs?

Answer: The choice between the WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business API depends on the size and needs of your business. The WhatsApp Business App is ideal for individuals and small businesses with lower message volumes. It is free to use and allows you to broadcast messages to up to 256 people. On the other hand, the WhatsApp Business API is better suited for startups and medium to large businesses with high message volumes, as it offers more advanced features and functionalities, such as chatbot integration and analytics. To access the WhatsApp Business API, you can connect with a WhatsApp Marketing Platform like DoubleTick.

Kindly email us at grow@quicksell.co or Click Here to get a FREE DEMO to know about our product offering, features and pricing plans.

Question: How can I use DoubleTick for my WhatsApp Marketing needs?

Answer: DoubleTick is a WhatsApp Marketing Platform that leverages the WhatsApp Business API to offer advanced features and services. To get started, email us at grow@quicksell.co or Click Here to get a FREE DEMO to know about our product offering, features and pricing plans. Once registered, you can use the platform to send broadcasts to unlimited users, automate notifications, provide live chat support, integrate chatbots, and much more.

Question: Is WhatsApp Marketing compliant with privacy regulations?

Answer: Yes, WhatsApp Marketing is compliant with privacy regulations, as long as you follow best practices and obtain user consent before sending promotional messages. Ensure that your WhatsApp marketing activities adhere to GDPR, CCPA, and other applicable data protection laws to maintain user trust and avoid penalties.

Question: What is the difference between WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business API?

Answer: The main difference between the WhatsApp Business App and the WhatsApp Business API lies in the features, scalability, and target audience. The WhatsApp Business App is designed for small businesses and individuals, offering basic functionalities like broadcasting messages to a limited number of users, setting up auto-replies, and using the app on multiple devices. The WhatsApp Business API, on the other hand, is tailored for larger businesses with higher message volumes and more advanced requirements, such as chatbot integration, multi-human live chat, and analytics.

Question: Can I integrate WhatsApp with my CRM or other business tools?

Answer: Yes, you can integrate WhatsApp with your CRM or other business tools using platforms like DoubleTick, which supports integrations with popular software such as WooCommerce, Zapier, Google Sheets, Pabbly etc. By integrating WhatsApp with your existing tools, you can streamline your business processes, automate notifications, and enhance customer support.

Question: How can I measure the success of my WhatsApp Marketing efforts?

Answer: To measure the success of your WhatsApp Marketing efforts, track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as message open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer engagement. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your WhatsApp Marketing strategies to achieve better results. Using a platform like DoubleTick can help you access valuable analytics and insights to gauge your campaign performance.

Question: How can I get a green tick next to my business name on WhatsApp? 

Answer: To get a green tick next to your business name on WhatsApp, your business must be verified by WhatsApp. The green tick signifies that your business account has been confirmed as an authentic brand by WhatsApp. To request verification, you must first set up a WhatsApp Business API Account, complete your business information, and ensure you comply with WhatsApp's commerce policy. After that, you can contact WhatsApp support or connect with a verified API provider like DoubleTick to request account verification. However, keep in mind that the verification process is selective, and not all businesses will receive the green tick.

Question: Does DoubleTick offer a free trial?

Answer: Yes, we do offer a demo account that you can play with. Download the DoubleTick App to test with a demo account.

Question: What’s DoubleTick’s pricing plan? 

Answer: Kindly email us at grow@quicksell.co or Click here to BOOK a FREE DEMO with us to learn about DoubleTick’s features and pricing plans.

Question: How many team members can I add to my DoubleTick account?

Answer: You can add unlimited team members to DoubleTick.

Question: In how many days will the DoubleTick setup be ready for my WhatsApp Business account?

Answer: If your Meta Business Manager is verified, you can get started with DoubleTick within 5 minutes. If however, you need help with Meta Business Manager verification then the process will take around 3 days to a week depending on how ready you are with your documents as well as the response time from Meta.

Question: Can I use my existing number for DoubleTick?

Answer: Yes, you can use your existing number with DoubleTick. However, we would recommend that you use a new number instead of using an existing one to ensure smooth operations for your business.

Question: Can I use my WhatsApp business app number and DoubleTick number at the same time?

Answer: No, at a time you can use only one account. Data from your WhatsApp business account will be erased once you switch to DoubleTick. 

Question: To how many customers can I shoot the broadcast messages?

Answer: There is no restriction. You can create unlimited broadcast groups and shoot messages to unlimited contacts. However, Meta might restrict you if a lot of customers mark your message as spam. The best practice is to enable the STOP bot on DoubleTick and send your templates with a STOP quick reply message so that people who are not interested in your communication can easily press STOP to get opted out instead of reporting your number as SPAM to WhatsApp.

Question: Can I automate and schedule broadcast messages?

Answer: You can automate WhatsApp messages and schedule broadcasts with DoubleTick.

Question: Does DoubleTick come with a bulk contact upload feature?

Answer: Yes, you can simply upload an Excel file having contact details to the dashboard and shoot messages in bulk to unlimited customers. 

Question: How many devices does DoubleTick support?

Answer: An unlimited number of devices can be used with DoubleTick. However, access to the number of accounts will be based on your subscription.

Question: How much does a WhatsApp Business API solution cost? 

Answer: The cost of a WhatsApp Business API solution varies depending on the provider and the features offered. Some providers offer tiered pricing plans based on the number of messages, users, or specific features, while others may provide custom pricing based on your business needs.